Upgrading rare items to a legendary of the same type (weapons!) New crafting-ish tool, using mainly death breath and bounty mats for several powerful recipes:.Can extract the benefit of most legendaries as a passive effect.Available via waypoint to Ruins of Sescheron in adventure mode Act 3, then back in town by Zoltun Kulle.- Empower the rift by spending some gold when you open it.You can get two bonus attempts, for a total of 5 chances to level:.Urshi, an NPC that appears after the boss, offers 3 chances to level up legendary gems.Greater rift bosses drop legendary gems - which are VERY powerful and only socket into jewelry.The ideal source of XP, legendaries, blood shards, & legendary gems.Class specific items lower your chances for certain slots.1h and 2h weapons are NOT worth it, as they can be any type.About a 10% chance to receive a legendary.Can be traded to Kadala as a form of "gambling", based on item type.Rift bosses will drop blood shards & greater rift keys.You may open rifts for free, even from level 1. Chapter 8 rewards a free stash tab, up to a maximum of 10 tabs.Additional chapters (9 total) reward special character portraits.Chapter 4 also rewards transmog pieces and either a pet or pennant.Completing chapters 2-4 rewards pieces of a free set to get you started.The Journey is a list of objectives broken into chapters, which provides some direction in how to progress your fresh, seasonal character.Season Journey and Guaranteed Set details Ancients salvage into 3x forgotten souls, Primals salvage into 15x.Enchanting a Primal at the Mystic will only offer perfect rolls."Primals" are incredibly rare Ancients, but with perfect rolls!.Ancients are roughly 30% stronger in terms of damage and raw stats.Legendaries can now roll "Ancient" and "Primal Ancient" versions.